Thursday, November 4, 2010

DNS - Did Not Show, Oh What a Feeling

Have you ever called in sick to work when you weren't?
have you ever lied to someone that has never lied to you?
have you ever done something as a teenager you knew you weren't supposed to be doing?
Or kept the extra change you weren't supposed to get from the cashier?

In my mind, this is what it feels like to lay in bed and realize you registered for a race weeks earlier and won't be going. It's like this sick feeling in your stomach, knowing all your racing buddies will be lining up at some point and you won't. Knowing they are all in their cars, driving, prepping to race - while you eat breakfast and sit on your butt.

This is what happened to me this past Sunday - missing out on the epic post USGP weekend of cross racing at the OVCX Storm the Greens in Louisville.
How could Pre-reg and not go you ask? (this is where I draw you in)

I am un-officially or officially getting old - I think. At least that my personal consensus. My co-workers I am sure would agree. I was not administered this diagnosis from a medical professional per say, but I believe this is the root cause of my recent health issues.

Over the last 10 years of being a cyclist, I have grown to love the sport, the gear, the people, friends, the challenges and the ability to remove any question in my mind that I can do something. Once I make a decision to go after something - I just set my mind to it, register for the event, train my ass off and go get it done. This year, I seem to be getting the beat down from my body, telling me this free thinking might not be able to continue. My back, my joints, knees, grass, yard, flower beds and man chores all seem to suffer at times. I would not say, the flower beds kept me from racing this time, but you get the idea.

After leaving Bloomington's race, about a full 30 minutes of coughing up some dust and part of my left lung, I sat in the car for 4 hours for the drive home. Monday, no ride. Tuesday some hill sprints to wake things up and get things going. Needless to say, my lower back did not enjoy this combo platter. Since the race I've had some on and off riding to keep things moving and finally some good feelings this past Saturday. I decide to go hit the road for a short time with the osu collegiate cycling team. Nothing too crazy, get things moving and do a few sprints. I get home from the short ride, my right knee is almost locking up. Major pain. I can't straighten it or bend it back all the way. So, with the slight reduction in my ride load, going out and riding in the wind, my back issues, Sunday morning I wake up and feel like I should be a retirement home. I grab the white flag and throw it up in the air and choose not to go race at Storm The Greens in Louisville. UGGGGG.

As I sit here, with Ice on my knee, thinking about lost fitness, I hope I can recover and finish my season with the original goals I set up to achieve. Sunday is another race I pre-registered for in advance to secure a good starting position. Lets hope I don't look like the "Old Age" radio shack employee in the photo after or during the race.

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