I hate to use the phrase, no pain - no gain. I am not young. My back, certainly is not young. I think too many years of lifting speaker boxes, amplifier racks, loading trucks, jumping off of stages, lets not leave out the lift and twist move, that I am sure is the cause of my back issues. Let me see, um, yeah, 10 years plus of lifting audio equipment, was I am sure the demise of my L4 / L5 disc.
Let me go forward - I leave the Lake Hope race, sit in the car, get home, finish packing, shower, get out the door - back in the car to only get on an airplane to Chicago.
Now a week later, my back and the muscles around my spine are so sore and tender.
I did ride the last few days, Wed-Sat for just an hour or so each day. I don't think that was too helpful, but hey who knew it would not help :).
I am hoping to get a massage tomorrow, I think this week could be the end of my Road Cycling Season - kind of a bummer but I think bending over, putting my own shoes and socks on, driving, walking, getting out of bed and dressing myself are all much more important tasks. It's a bit depressing really - to not be able to go ride like a mad man, or just feel good enough to ride on the dang bike path. My ride saturday was I think 12 miles, at 12 miles an hour. Sad - but I was in some pain on the way home.
Cross season is far enough away, this will heal up, allow me to get some core training in at the gym soon, start running slowly and ramp back up for the rest of the season. Back to these exercises, I did 2 years ago, after my most hurtful disc issues.