Wednesday, May 28, 2008

3 days of Mountain Biking

With the brother-in-law getting married at the end of May, he wanted to throw it down the weekend before at Lake Hope State Park - I had no complaints. Pretty much my favorite place to ride anywhere - sans Porcupine Rim trail.

Ryan and I were in charge of food for the weekend, which we manged to do pretty well for everyone, Dinner on Friday - Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner for Sat and small breakfast for Sunday before checking out.

SO, with many men in tow, about 13 or so of us transcended into Cabin's 1 and 2 on Friday afternoon through Sunday. The cabins technically only slept 3, but being the manly men we were, some slept outside on the deck, others crashed on the floor or couch, some of us even ended up in our car > snoring can keep you awake. The general plan was to maybe ride for a short bit Friday afternoon, everyone ride Saturday and then try to get one in Sunday.

Pasta was up for dinner after a short hour ride with Ryan and the Groom Tim and myself. We hit a few choice trails, made a loop back to the cabins to see more had arrived, which meant it was pasta dinner time. mmmmm tasty.
more later.....on this story

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