Thursday, February 24, 2011

Last Cross Race of 2010 - Cap City Cross - Lobdell Reserve, Newark Ohio

Snomageddon 2010.
This is what happens when you run a race in Ohio in December.
I thought I would post up quite a few photos for the last race post of 2010.

I figured since I was way out of the standings for Cap City I would bump up and see how I measure against the fast guys and register for the Elite (A, CAT 1/2/3) race. A good thought from my warm couch, I suppose, initially.
Huge huge turnout for the races at noon and at 1p.m. My team got call ups for the entire front row of the B race, which was awesome! Ohio ortho slaying dragons from the front!
What was it like racing on this course and all the snow? It was hard, which I didn't realize till I got out there for myself to race for an hour. I was watching my team mates and my buddy Tom get tired as their 45 min race wore on...Tom was looking slower and slower over the barriers, I was screaming at him from across the field - telling him to go faster and get the lead out. About 15 minutes into my race I wanted to take back my harassing words to Tom, realizing I signed up for 60 minutes in the torture chamber with this race and race course.
Who would ever think that an extra 15 minutes is that much harder. Well, aside from the fact the course was just hurt locker city, the snow, muck and tire sucking ground, just made the race that much harder. It was cold and I had a hard time getting warm. Generally, if the temps are below 35/40, it takes me a good 45 min to get warmed up, I might have rode around for 15 just trying to stay warm. Not enough.
Hindsight, it was fun lining up with the big boys and trying to stay with them for the first lap at least.
My respect doubled for my good friends that do the A races. Not only for their speed, but for their ability to just go so hard for a full hour. Yes, they've been doing this hour all year at every cross race, but still - props to the Proppe and Billiter, Spencer and my other buddies killing it in the A's this year.
Even dry, which I have never raced at this place when it's been dry, I hate this course. Sorry Kyle and Andy. It's just not my favorite, but you must race against your weakness's to get better, so there I was.
I watched all the speedy elite guys ride right away from me in the first lap, as I thought about Glen's comments while I was at the start line. He said, "wow, I'll be interested to see how you stack up", my reply, "yeah me too". Even the BWE said after my race, "wow, you looked really slow in the first few laps" ok thanks for the support :) wife. I did go slow for the first few laps, while I found the lines and tried to stay upright, get comfortable with
pushing the bike sideways while pedaling, running up that dam hill a million times. I sprayed my pedals and the bottoms of my shoes with pledge furniture polish, since I was out of spam at home. It helped for about 2/3 laps then I was back to banging my shoes on my pedals at the top of the run up every lap for way way too long. In the last few laps, it became a battle of getting clipped in with Spencer and I, not fitness, not skill. Egg beaters were the
pedal of the day in these conditions for sure. I know the spd or atac was not it! Spencer and I battled hard the last few laps to give each other a run and see who could dig the deepest and win. Spencer seemed to have more issues with his pedals than I was and somewhere along the last painful moments I past him and beat him. He's a tough competitor for sure and a great guy.
Jen and I put up the most badass tent ever to provide, needed propane fueled heat, hot chocolate and a place to stay warm, before the race, during and after. It worked out pretty well. Everyone was laughing at us while we set up our house, but then as each lap progressed during my race I saw more and more people staying warm in our tent. Cookies all around were a big hit.
Me lining up with the big boys.
Get Ready....
We're off...
Jon Dy, Garth, Proppe, Herman and Matt Weeks? - mason all make this start look super easy.
James B runs away from me like I am using an assisted walker, rather than a cross bike. He was at the top of the run up before I even got to the bottom.
There he goes....

Spencer and I battle it out, the last few laps.
me planning my "attack" yeah right.
James = Style Council Member
Greg Flecher - a beast on wheels and general unassuming fast guy.
Jon D showing us he's really fast.
BWE loves to make signs and be creative. She's the best cheerleader.
Jon's bike after. Frozen stuff.
This was my bike in the basement days after the race. It had to thaw out and took hours, before this goo dropped off.
I Think it took me a few hours using hot water, dish soap and other cleaning stuff to get the bike clean.

The final race of 2010, ends in a muddy, mucky mess. Thank you everyone for a great year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that one picture isn't matt weeks, it's scott gartman. equally cool dude.

good write up buddy, but you've just stoked the quelling flames of my love for cyclocross.